Chinese recipes and more comprehensive, more popular gourmet community
★ 中文菜谱更全,人气更高的美食社区;★ 苹果官方 App Store 精选推荐的美食应用;★ 被央视CCTV新闻频道报道为年轻人流行的生活方式APP。----主要功能-----★ 时令流行:根据不同节气,告诉你应该吃什么,三餐不重样;★ 榜单推荐:进来看看被两万多人做过的一道菜谱是什么?★ 人气社区:你尝试发布一道菜谱,会获得最真实的厨友点赞,交流心得提升厨艺;★ 活动奖品:定期与品牌联合发布线上和线下活动征集令,赢奖品,交朋友;★ 购买食材:联合达人推荐,帮你挑选最有品质的食材和厨具,瞬间成为身边人仰慕的美食专家。-----创新亮点-----★ 菜篮子:菜谱所需食材一键加入菜篮子,去菜场买菜再也不会忘记买葱啦!★ 横屏模式:在厨房里操作进入横屏菜谱烹饪模式,方便又轻松。-----联系我们-----★ 微博和微信公众号:下厨房★ 合作与建议:
[email protected]★ 400电话:4000-517-707★ Chinese recipes and more comprehensive, more popular gourmet community;Apples official App Store ★ Featured recommended food applications;★ reported CCTV CCTV news channel for young people popular lifestyle APP.----The main function-----★ seasonal epidemic: Depending on the throttle, it should tell you what to eat three meals a day is not heavy like;★ list Recommended: come and see what is being done together with more than 20,000 recipes are?★ popular community: you try to publish a cookbook, you get the most realistic kitchen Like Friends point, exchange ideas to enhance the cooking;★ activities, prizes: regular and co-branding publish online and offline activities call-up orders, win prizes, make friends;★ buy ingredients: Combine Daren recommended, to help you pick the most quality ingredients and utensils, and instantly become admirers of food experts around them.----- ----- Innovation Highlights★ basket: recipe ingredients required to join a key basket, go to farms to buy food will never forget to buy onions it!★ landscape mode: in the kitchen, cooking recipes operation to landscape mode, convenient and easy.-----contact us-----★ Weibo and public micro-channel number: the kitchen★ cooperation with the suggestion:
[email protected]★ 400 Tel: 4000-517-707- 修复已知bug- 细节优化